Wika Para sa Lahat
Magandang araw! Magandang hapon! Magandang gabi! If you understood any of the words or phrases I used, chances are that you know they come...

Looking for Something Here?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
GM Yasser Seirawan
I'd like to share this PRO Chess Video Mentor DVD with Yasser Seirawan which I found in the Google Videos. For all those newly indoctrinated public school teachers who went thru the 7-day DEPEd/NCFP Teacher Training Workshop under the master guidance of GM Bong Villamayor, this one will be a good part of your ripped-off collection of chess videos:
Thanks for this effort and for all your great works that has contributed to the understanding of the game.
Found Out
I found a way to have my $'s be changed into Dirhams so I'm out of here in 30 minutes or so. In the meantime, I'd like to share this untitled drawing by Mr. Rettino:

I'm off! Until then!
Filipina Blog Reader
It's nice to know that there are readers of this blog who does the commenting and sharing of what they have experienced in Morocco. It is comforting too and a motivating tap on the back when a reader chimes in and gives you that necessary boost to continue this online journal.
For our Kababayan whom I'd like to call Ano Ny Mous, I wish I could say hi to the couple in Hay Riad for you but what would I tell them if they ask me from whom? Hahahh!
You can email me at philippinechess@gmail.com and I'll tell them asap.
How are you and your family? Where are you living now?
Would you like to contribute and share your experiences here?
Again, thanks and hope to hear from you.
On now with our Sunday-sulking!
I have no plans to go out for the reason that I don't have enough Dirhams in my pocket. Someone borrowed 200 D's from me and until now I haven't received the payment so I'll have to wait 'till tomorrow in Ifrane to have my dollars changed, cambio is what they call it here.
What I'll do today?
I don't know but I will upload the artwork given to me by Mr. Rettino, the science teacher of my student from American School of Ifrane. What else? I might do another spring time-going home time room cleaning but my scheduled flight is on July 18 so it's too early to do the packing right?
I'll go out later and take photos of the farm probably in the afternoon and catch that melodramatic sunset view of the horizon.
Solitary soulful search of my exestence here.
Photos in awhile!
Bye for now!
Random Thoughts
Now some thoughts still...
We left Meknes around 2 in the afternoon and the horizon is really dark... we were in El Ahjeb and our driver said "ishtah" which means raining (?) in Ifrane. Good thing I brought my Moroccan handcrafted grayish-black sweater I bought from Sadik our driver.
During our road trip we had a good chat, Sadik, my ward and me. We exchanged stories about Khadafi of Libya, King Hassan II and former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos. They didn't know about the friendship of those three big time leaders but they were interested to hear the story of Ferdinand Marcos.
All I told them was that FM was asking for assistance from the former two leaders in dealing with the Philippine Insurgency with the Muslim rebels in the South.
Anyways, I had a chat and a phone call from Alice and Val, I'll be meeting them in Rabat tonight if I'll be allowed to but nothing is sure yet.
Going, going and gone!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Chess is Numero Uno

Rather, the article of Mr. Mahar Mangahas called The Great Popularity of Chess serves us (well maybe only me and my thirst for variations) a new but now so new look at the game. It helped that the story was inspired by former FIDE president, Honorable Florencio B. Campomanes.
Words from Mr. Mangahas would definitely give our bros' and sis' a big boost, specially to National Chess Federation of the Philippines:
"Chess is the No. 1 game. It turns out that chess is the Filipinos’ most popular game, meaning non-physical sport. Those citing it as the game they play most frequently are 15.6 percent in the country. This projects to 8.5 million adult chess players nationwide, based on a population of 54.1 million Filipino adults when the survey was done."
So I guess readers of this blog are all part of the 8.5 million adult chess players nationwide, excluding the 17 and under population and the unaccounted Filipinos around the world. Dude, you are not alone in your addiction, you're part of that thinking population that can hopefully appreciate the balance between reality and the abstract.
To our federation, you've got the number now show us our numbers!
Chess, Autism and Me
Let me get this thing straight and direct. My line of work or should I say my field is in the academe, special education to be exact. I am a graduate of B.S. in Occupational Therapy and furthered on with MA in Special Education and some more professional advancements which never really helped in translating all these hardwork into good money! Hahahah!
Anyways, I chose and lovingly did so to be in this field because I grew up and still have a brother with autism. He now is 23 years old and is integrated very well in the neighborhood where he lives with out parents.
I took up chess again around 2003 after buying a discounted classic book about Philippine chess in National Bookstore Alabang Town Center. From there, my addiction has never let go of me. Now you can ask me now, should I write this post about chess, autism and me?
What can we find in the cyberspace when we do a search with those words except the last one? Let's try...
Chess and autism, google found 368,000 links in 0.27 seconds. That's big in anyways you'd look at it.
1.Transformation of Chess Improvement Blog had a post entitled Mark of a Genius, Memory, Chess and Autism.
2. Life's Biggest Loser
3. Chess Expert Wins Scholarship
Some more from the google search result but this next two is something that would definitely bring the huh' and ahh' in you:
Magnus Carlsen, a chess prodigy and Mark Week's Chess and Autism.
Let me lay the basics of the condition.
Autism has three major deficits lives to put it simply, these are impairment in social skills, impairment in communication and impairment in cognition or how one thinks.
Those three major life areas can still be subdivided into finer and more specific skill functioning and I'll have to list them next:
- Impaired reciprocal social interaction - Examples include the following:
- Poor use of body language and nonverbal communication, such as eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures
- Lack of awareness of feelings of others and the expression of emotions, such as pleasure (laughing) or distress (crying), for reasons not apparent to others
- Remaining aloof, preferring to be alone
- Difficulty interacting with other people and failure to make peer friendships
- May not want to cuddle or be cuddled
- Lack of or abnormal social play
- Not responding to verbal cues (acting as if deaf)
- Poor use of body language and nonverbal communication, such as eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures
- Impaired communication - Examples include the following:
- Delay in, or the total lack of, the development of spoken language or speech
- If speech is developed, it is abnormal in content and quality.
- Difficulty expressing needs and wants, verbally and/or nonverbally
- Repeating words or phrases back when spoken to (known as echolalia)
- Inability to initiate or sustain conversation
- Absent or poorly developed imaginary play
- Delay in, or the total lack of, the development of spoken language or speech
- Restricted repertoire of interests, behaviors, and activities - Examples include the following:
- Insisting on following routines and sameness, resisting change
- Ritualistic or compulsive behaviors
- Sustained odd play
- Repetitive body movements (hand flapping, rocking) and/or abnormal posture (toe walking)
- Preoccupation with parts of objects or a fascination with repetitive movement (spinning wheels, turning on and off lights)
- Narrow, restricted interests (dates/calendars, numbers, weather, movie credits)
- Insisting on following routines and sameness, resisting change
Now don't jump right into conclusion and say he is a person with autism. No please don't! It's is important that we inform the guy about the possibility of him or her having the condition but are you ready to receive a well-meaning, as in well-meaning swing from him ala Pacman that could send you down on the floor?
In most of the seminars and college classes I've talked and taught with, one hundred percent of the time, my students would always say, "Ahhh, Sir don't you think this guy is an autistic?" or "Sir, I feel like DSM IV-R is describing me?"
Also, in the Philippines, the word autistic has become the word to describe the condition instead of the correct term autism or child or person with autism. It's just being Filipino and our way of (mis) handling certain words.
One thing is for sure, in our chess kingdom you do not have the condition if you can focus and concentrate for more than 2 hours on a given chess position. In fact it is one of the gifts a chess player can have while living in the kingdom. Second, you are most probably used to being called weird or praning by your non-chess playing friends each time you blurt out the winning move which you missed moments ago while playing with your other chess playing friend.
Ok c'mon now, do you think it's the crazy curse of the game that makes us chess addicts be glued on hours end just to get that hard earned win? Or are we just lucky and blessed enough to appreciate the beauty of the game which has caused other souls and minds to cross between the worlds of the sane, not so sane and the insane?
As for my bro, he doesn't care at all about the game. He loves to socialize and in fact he knows more people in the village than anyone else.
Hmmm! Memory, chess and autism? I've got to go now before I essay another one on the topic.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Summer Snow
Weather Whether
But since last night, the wind here in Meknes is strong and when I say strong, it is comparable to the Super typhoon winds that hit Bicol and Cavite in 2006. During that time I saw how the parked Toyota of my dad jiggle to the windy warrior of the storm, handbrake and 1st gear held on tough though.
While I was busy last night searching the web for 6th graders' essay on Jaccques Cousteau and Ivan Pavlov, the wind kept on hissing and banging on my window. Add to that the clanging and swaying of left-open steel windows and doors here on the second floor.
I can see the Bab Mansour in the horizon from where I sat last night and it still showed the lights it always does even in the middle of the night, amidst the windy windedness of the night.
And tonight, the wind strength is almost the same.
While I heard the video scandal of Dr. Hayden Kho and Katrina Halili has become a source of air time for Filipino TRAPOS back home (TRAditional POliticianS), not much has been said about the four Filipinos with H1N1.
Back to school for our students in the Philippines (mostly local schools) while the rest of the international, European, American and Moroccan schools are in the final few weeks of the school year.
I miss my two friends here in Morocco, Alice and Val but I really believe they are busy with their own busy-ness so I still don't know what I'd be doing this Sunday.
I haven't played online chess in awhile but I finally found the piece of paper given to me by the president of Morocco Chess Federation which contains phone numbers of people I can play with here in Meknes.
So if I won't be meeting anybody this Sunday, I might just play the whole day with someone whom I hope to be a chess buddy for my entire stay here in Morocco.
My Morocco photography will resume tomorrow and most likely to continue 'till Sunday then off again.
Feels like I want to be somewhere else but as they say, weather-whether lang yan!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bobby Fischer Anyone?
Almost two years dead but that's how I see this chess world of ours right now.
His games continue to show us the genius in him, his eccentricity will forever haunt the minds of the unschooled wannabe pop-psychologists but his worldly belongings will definitely be among collectibles only rich dudes can afford to buy.
Bobby Fischer anyone?
From books, manuscript notebooks, floppy disks (during the dinosaur era we used those FD's) and chess related publications, Bobby Fischer's "life" is for sale. Do check out the description of items left behind by one of the world's strongest world chess champion ever:
Chessvibes want to know and Bonhams shows us the possibility of it's reality.
Previously on ebay: Bobby Fischer's life for sale run by chessbase and Fischer's Personal Book Collection on ChessForumsDOTorg.
Is it a real deal?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Chess Comic

"Scott T" lives and breathe in the same sphere of mine, the Academe. An elementary school teacher with a passion for the game. I'm not quite sure why he is on a second version of his blog but we only can say thank you for his works: Old Chess Comic and The Chess Comic.
Gotta go for now!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday Bloody Sunday
Now how did my bloody weekend started?
The whole Saturday I worked with my ward up until around 3 in the afternoon. Then had my usual online activities. It was a sour one, not to mention a stab right through my heart and soul! It was the beginning of a bloody weekend.
Logged off and worked again with my ward.
Was assigned as a photographer for the youngest daughter's birthday celebration.
Ate dinner and slept and promised myself never to go online again.
Woke up Sunday around 5 in the morning and did nothing but curse in the dark, just like how I ushered myself to sleep. Went out of my bed to clean my room hoping at the same time I'd be able to clean the mess in my head. Brought my laundry down and checked for any "awakenings" among my housemates. Oh the Jedis are all awake and I'd have to thank God for their simple mindedness and superior cleaning power!
Our chef was preparing his breakfast and I gestured that I'd like to join him in mix awhile. I wanted to take a shower and so I did. Then I joined him for breakfast. Today is the first time I ate the "Khubs" with Vegetable Olive Oil matched with Moroccan Mint Tea.
The mix of mint and olive oil gave a different taste on my buds which I could not give a label but it was different. Well it was good but not super good.
It was around seven so I took my chess book by Bobby Ang and read up to pass time. I left the farm around 8 in the morning and headed to the train station. I wanted to board the 915 train to Fes.
I hopped in the cab and arrived in Sidi Saed around 845. It was a 6 Dirhams taxi ride from where the farm is.
Well I thought I had so much time on my hand so I decide to walk from Sidi Saed to Lagar Al Amir. Lagar Al Amir is the name of the train station, Lagar means station... so it literally means Station Al Amir.
I was surprised it took me 30 minutes to reach Mc Donalds Meknes from Sidi Saed and it was already 915 so I took a cab from there and paid 5 Dirhams.
Here are the photos I took from my walk.
I've noticed that the more I learn about photography, the less I want to share my photos. I am becoming picky of the photos I want to publish and I find a lot of defects in the shots I make. This seems ok for me and I hope you'll realize that from now on the photos posted here will be filtered thru.
Yes I did my solitary Fes trip and interestingly, I did not take much photos. I visited the Palace in Fes where the King mostly stays.
I visited the tannery or the coloring place of animal skins which in turn become leather goods.
You see the guy? He approached me from the train station, spoke good English and offered to be my guide for 50 Dirhams. Of course I took him in. And he explained lots of things for me like how ancient the tannery is, how many days it takes for the animal skins to dry and he was overflowing with pride to tell me these things. His name is Hamed, there's just too many Hamed's in Morocco.
After sometime I felt my tummy do the earthshakes and asked Hamed to bring me to an American restaurant which a friend of mine tipped on me. He brought me to Cafe Clock, a Cross-Cultural Cafe they say.
I didn't have to bother about language barrier as the owner is an American and so his staff are all good speakers of the language.
I ordered a chicken sandwhich and a sprite. Yes I ate with my guide and he ordered what I ordered.
I love the place and I think it is one of the hidden treasures of Fes.
I wish I could have stayed on... I wish I was feeling better about something... I wish I was in a better mood.... I wish I wish I wish!
But like all any other trips, one needs to go back to home base and here is where I consider my base is for now:
By the way, I'm seriously considering on not going home for vacation and cashing in on my air fare and work instead.
Just a bloody thought for a bloody weekend!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
For now let me say hello and hi to all of our readers whose visits make it all worthwhile. Checking out my country visitors tracking badge, it gives me a great feeling of accomplishment to see that we've had all the seven continents covered. Nice for a blog that's less than six months old.
Facts: My flight back home is July 18 and my countdown has become even more exciting than before.
I'll be visiting Fes tomorrow and I can't wait to post photos from that trip. Alone I will be but I hope I can make the best of my planned solitary trip.
Check out Fes and you'll learn that it's one of the ancient cities of Morocco! How ancient it could be then? I will find out!
GM Antonio Makes It
GM Rogelio "Joey" Antonio Jr makes the cut for the ten qualifiers for the World Chess Cup 2009 to be held in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia on Nov. 20-Dec. 15.
Wikipedia's short entry about GM Antonio do not tell us as much as what Mr Bobby Ang has told us in Philippine Chess Volume 1. To give you a more detailed account of his career, let me direct you to his FIDE players profile, April 2009 and January 2009 Individual Calculations and Progress Rating Chart.
I remember very well in 2006 when I was in the Press room of GMA Cup in Paranaque Duty Free Mall. IA WIllie Abalos came in and announced about Antonio's "withdrawal" in the tourney due to health reasons, but only after a bad start. Do check out the comments we got in that post and you'll know the speculations among our readers.
I don't really know what's between our revered chess chronicler, Bobby Ang and our featured player now but I believe he must have taken by heart Mr. Ang's perfectly-timed essay on his Chess Piece column What now Joey Antonio?
I just wish to see him play in the best tournament of his life come November-December 2009. As we all know, we really have to hit the books and get back to our winning ways!
For GM Wesley So, this is another missed Qualifier for you. In time you will be there playing amongst the best of our era. When I learned about your first round defeat against a lower rated opponent I just thought of whispering this to you
The whole nation is behind you guys, just keep on pushing those pawns!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
WNM Daisy Rivera
I'll be waiting.
Asian Continental Chess: Round 10
GM Rogelio "Joey" Antonio losses his game in round ten of the Asian Continental Chess Championship against GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar while GM Wesley So drew his match agianst GM Hou Yifan in what was termed by Rusticbull of Malibay Chess Club blog as Prodigy vs Prodigy.
Asia's chess legend and first ever, GM Eugene Torre won in round 10 and is in a must win round seven if he wants to be in the running for the 10 qualified players. GM's So and Antonio will also need to win in the final round to be in the "tiebreaks" hopefuls.
It would be very refreshing to see those three Pinoy chess giants to qualify for the 2009 FIDE World Cup.
The results for Asian Continental Chess Championship: Round 10 Open and Women's.
Must win! Must win!
Friday, May 22, 2009
GM Antonio on Top
The last time I heard about GM Rogelio "Joey" Antonio Jr making waves in a big time tournament was around 1999 when he played for the World Championship Qualification in Nevada, USA. I hope I remember it right, thanks to Philippine Chess Volume 1 of Mr. Bobby Ang.
Ten years after, we are now seeing one of RP's Attackero, if not D' Attackero so they say, leading in the Asia Continental Chess Championship with a full point after nine rounds. A rather forgettable tourneys here and there for Joey in the last three or four years but I guess he had so much to listen to from Mr. Ang's advise to go "hit the books" once again and be the chess champion that he is.
Also in the hunt for a top finish after a first round lose is of course our own wonderboy, GM Wesley So. A series of draws and critical won games puts him in a good spot to finish at least within the top 5 of the tournament.
Chessdom gives us something worthy to read: Asia Continental Chess Championship.
Crucial round ten pairings for Filipino's in the Open section within the top 10 boards:
Board 1: GM Ganguly Surya Shekar (6.5) vs GM Antonio, Rogelio Jr (7)
Board 3: GM Hou Yifan (6) vs GM So, Wesley (6)
Board 10: GM Torre, Eugenio (5.5) vs GM Al-Modiahki Mohamad
In the Women's section, top 15 players after 9 rounds all bear foreign sounding names with our brightest hope, WFM Chardine Cheradee Camacho placed on the 18th out of 45 players. One thread in the Philippine Chess Forum tells us about Camacho's earning the WIM title. I sure hope she gets it.
Round ten pairings for the Women's section.
And while our Pinoy bets surges forward in our homeland, we got news from NM Marlon Bernardino about Filipino's in France:
MANILA, PHILIPPINES---TWO Filipino chessers made the country's proud by winning first and second in just concluded the 11th Open International de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines International Open Chess Championship in France, recently.
Maria Angela Ponce, Second Secretary and Consul of the Philippine Embassy in Paris, France said "On behalf of Ambassador Rora Navarro-Tolentino and the Philippine Embassy in Paris, I congratulate you for winning the 11th Open International de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.You make our country proud," said Baguio City native Ponce, also the daughter of former Councilor Napoleon Ponce and Angelita Abrera-Ponce.MARLON BERNARDINO
Great, great day to read chess news from the Philippines!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
All Books In
From Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne Australia, a group of researchers used the principles behind nanotechnology to serve mankind by increasing the storage capacity of the DVD we know of today.
Now what does this have to do with chess?
Well, you and I both know that we love to collect chess ebooks in all file formats: Chessbase, PDF and what-have-you. Before I left for Morocco, I was given a 4GB travellers USB storage disk that contains more than a hundred of chessbase books. Add another 7 DVD GM Roman's Lab chess tutorials and another 20 or more unclassified "burned" chess CD's I myself collected and since the year 2005. And before forget, Edmond Beronio, our man behind the ultra superior chess collection of chess wisdom and stories sent me two DVD's of chess ebooks.
All books in?
Can't wait for this, I gotta have it, gotta have it!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Silver @ FICS
Yesterday I tried again, joined and played in two Blitz 3 tourneys. Sadly, not even a third place position I took in both tourneys.
What does this tell me and you?
Chexmix of ICC Chess.FM Blog echoes my insights about the game: Chess is a humbling experience.
Truth be told, I have a 1300 plus blitz rating at FICS and a 1500 plus standard. at chess.com's Tactics Trainer I have 1890 plus while at Chess Tactics Server, 1400.
I love this game but most of all, I love what it provides my restless mind. A sense of competition, achievement but most of all, it shows me the beauty of the human mind.
Here is an excerpt from one of my favorites, DESIDERATA:
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Meknes Photoblog
So much for chess, I have http://philippinechesschronicles.blogspot.com to discuss that. Enjoy the view and enjoy truth!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sports Anyone?
The last one just doesn't fit! Basketball and Filipinos sure is a good combo. PBA-NBA is of course a sure winner and UAAP=NCAA is synonymous with Basketball. Having coached the UPHS Juniors Chess Team last season in the NCAA, I know how these two leagues work their butts off around the basketball tournament. When I say work their butts off, I really mean it. They even would say that the sports is the centerpiece of the season, in lifetime mode.
North Africa? I'm sure they know basketball but not as much as Filipinos do. Anyways, have you ever met a Pinoy who doesn't know Jaworski? Norman Black? Johnny A? Of course his Airness Michael J. Nobody loves basketball the way Pinoys do!
Now here is my problem, ana mushkil! I just can't find an online live stream of the match between LA Lakers and Houston Rockets right now. Nope! Unlike JM Balboa, I always root for the underdogs and in this match and as always, Kobe Bryant and his show-off-turn-off attitude is the reason why I'm a big fan of Houston Rockets, Laker's opponent.
The series is tied at 3-3 and game seven it is now. Basketball anyone?
I've stayed here in Morocco for the past 100+ days and I have learned (really did!) to visit cafe's here and enjoy Morocco's coffee and mint tea. In between sips and peeps, I have come to notice that Moroccans watch basically 3 TV programs and these are Al Jazeera News, Animaux TV and Football Games.
This ain't an exaggeration guys, this is true!
Want proof?
I am beginning to understand why people go insane when their football team losses... exciting and non stop action it is.
In sports news?
No you won't find anything else except football leagues in the Arab world, European and African continents. I once caught a glimpse of NBA news in Al Jazeera and man oh man, how short it was.
And that's how my longing for the game came back.
My friends who knew me during my high school and college days would definitely know that I played ball everyday and that the game just overtook my life's existence. From the days of Dondon Ampalayo to the influx of Fil-Am players and a slap on their faces, courtesy of Benjie Paras who took the 1999 MVP awards amidst the great talents crowding the PBA like Danny Siegle, Andy Siegle and Asi Taulava.
Post college life saw my basketball crazy life go from highest to lowest. This allowed me to further my table tennis addiction which would most often be played in front of our house in Southern City, Imus Cavite. While the Tropang Sunog Baga (TSB) burn their precious lungs with Gin Bulag, me and my geeky tropas played from nine in the evening till the wee hours of the morning. Right after cleaning the dishes and before fixing the beds of the awakened neighbors!
Here is a twist though.
Because of the proximity of the "station" which TSB drank to their lung's content and our playing venue, there were times when we did exchange roles and I'm telling you, most of us learned both the art of drinking and the science of ping-pong! Insane moments would actually transpire when we used their "tunggaan" table for our game and vice versa.
Come settling time. Most of my friends who knew me this time only knows one game I play and it's the boring but violent board game called chess. Also, these friends of mine call me as Kiko and seldom Francis.
I have lost much of my basketball muscle and speed, my swing for my ping pong and all I have in me now is my all consuming passion in chess which I know I'll never ever reach a master level playing skills.
But you know what?
When I saw the tease-a-thug defense used by Ron Artest of Houston Rockets against Kobe Yabang Bryant of LA Lakers, all the days of my easily-get-excited years came back. Back in that coffee shop fronting the Catholic Church in Meknes, there I felt the need to play the game again.
How I'll do that I just don't know specially here in Morocco where streets are filled with football courts and not basketball courts.
I can start to jog again, get fit and embrace the game that I have loved since my dad put up a basketball court for me and my uncle Oliver.
Sports... anyone?
FIDE Laws 2009
Alas! I could not copy and paste the article from the PDF Newsletter so I'd just link you to the Australian Chess Chat thread where a ZIP file is available for download. And yes you have to be a member to avail this copy for free!
Learn the laws by heart and soon you'll know how to break and twist them!
PhilWeb-Human+ 4th Leg Winners
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation's NM Randy Segarra, also the head coach of De La Salle University and Verth Alora, an engineer from Anda, Pangasinan captured the Group A and B pennants, respectively, in the 4th leg of the exciting 2009 Philweb Corporation-Human Plus National Executive Active Chess Championships held at the Human Re-sources Development Training Center of the Department of Agrarian Re-form, Elliptical Road, Quezon Memorial Circle, Quezon City under the supervision of the newly-formed Philippine Association of Chess Executives (PACE) inducted by Lanao del Sur Assemblyman Usman Sarangani..
The first two legs in Group A was won by Dr. Jenny Mayor while NM Randy Segarra captured the 3rd and 4th legs. The latter wins P5,000 and 20 Grand Prix points for his latest victory. In second place is NM Eduardo Estrella winning P2,000 plus 19 Grand Prix points followed by NM Allan Sasot and Dr. Alfredo Paez in a 12-man field. In the Grand Prix standings in Group A, Mayor takes a commanding lead with 71 pts. followed by Segarra, 40, Sasot, 32, Paez, 28, NM Ric Portogalera, 24, NM Ed Agagon, 22, NM Efren Bagamasbad, 20 and Estrella, 19, Philippine National Police's Esmael Abas, 17, Cotabato City's NM Roger Sarip, 16, BPI's NM Nick Nisperos, 15, former Olympian lawyer NM Samuel Estimo,15, and so on .
In Group B, lawyer Cliburn Orbe annexed the first leg while engineer Joseph Galindo, an OFW from Saudi, grabbed the second and third legs, for a back-to back victory. Alora became the third winner, with a score of 5 points in 6 rounds, besting 3 other bets with the same score in tie-break. They were Philippine Army's Primo Virtudazo, Mandaluyong City's Ricardo Jimenez and Dep Ed's Ramil Acosta. They all went home P2,125 richer. In the Grand Prix standings Orbe leads with 45 pts., followed by chess entrepreneur Joel Cocjin of Iloilo 42, Galindo 40, PACE treasurer and Manila businessman Jun Balgan, 40, Virtudazo, 33, Acosta, 32, Jess San-chez, 28, Joel Valdez, 28, Department of Agrarian Reform consultant Lito Dormitorio of Iloilo, 26, Alora, 20, Bicolandia's Dodoy Camposano,19, Jazer Tomas,19, commercial pilot Amando Labarda, Jr., 19, Noel Garcia, 18 and so on.
Philweb Corporation, a Makati-based IT company located at The Enterprise Center in Ayala, is the main sponsor of this event, Human Plus is the co-sponsor of this prestigious cash-rich chessfest played in two divisions: Group A, (Executive Masters and those who have current Standard rating of 2000 and above and Group B (those who have current NCFP Standard rating of 1999 and below or those who are still unrated.) Qualified to join are professionals with PRC IDs, businessmen, entre-preneur, military officers, government employees and OFWs.
There will be 10 legs with the cash-rich 16-man Grand Finals scheduled in September this year. The Top 8 from Group A and Group B in Grand Prix standings will advance to the finals. More participation means more Grand Prix points.
Next leg will be on June 13, 2009
Here is the current Grand Prix standings: Grand Prix standings after 4 legs: Group A Grand Prix pts1. Mayor, Jenny 71 2. Segarra , Randy 40 3. Sasot, Allan 32 4. Paez, Alfredo 28 5. Portogalera, Ric 24 6. Agagon, Ed 22 7. Bagamasbad, Efren 20 8. Estrella, Eduardo 19 9. Abas, Esmael 17 10. Sarip, Roger 16 11. Nisperos , Nick 15 12. Estimo, Samuel 15 13. Zuniga, Dante 14 14. Lao, Elias 13 15. Ricana, Leodegario 13 16. Maga, Mirabeau 12 17. Trasfiero, Eugene 11 18. Dimarucut, Francis 10 19. Diligencia, Mel 9 20. Sagario, Quirino 5 21. Olmedo, Trine 2
Group B Grand Prix pts1. Orbe, Cliburn 45 2. Cocjin, Joel 42 3. Galindo, Joseph 40 4. Balgan, Jun 40 5. Virtudazo, Primo 33 6. Acosta, Ramil 32 7. Sanchez, Jess 28 8. Valdez, Joel Sr. 28 9. Dormitorio, Lito 26 10. Alora, Verth 20 11. Camposano, Agrifino 19 12. Tomas, Jazer 19 13. Labarda, Amando Jr. 19 14. Garcia, Noel 18 15. Cordero, Domingo 18 16. Jimenez, Ricardo 18 17. Marras, Rey 17 18. Corrales, Johnny 16 19. Divinagracia, Alvin 16 20. Chua, Emil 16 21. Pascual, Orlando 15 22. Orellana, Respy 14 23. Jularbal, Dean 14 24. Maulion, Leoncio Jr. 13 25. Panlilio, Francis 13 26. Perlas, Erven 12 27. Canta, Octavio 12 28. Carino, Raul 12 29. Dumlao, Niel 11 30. Cabagay, Emil 11 31. Domaycos, Rene 11 32. Laurente, Eugene 11 33. Guibao, Edwin 10 34. Abalos, Willie 9 35. Dabao, Roger 9 36. Andres, Carlito, Jr. 8 37. Rivera, Angel 8 38. Jacob, Mel 7 39. Delloro, Don 7 40. Laurio, Tino 5 41. Madriaga, Jose 4 42. Llagas delas, Eric 2 43. Chay, Alfredo 0 44. Estrella, Gilo 0 45. Jose, Ronell 0 46. Sorra, Jun 0 47. Barro, Jon 0 48. Ramos, Nash 0 49. Sarangani, Usman 0 50. Tongo, Jim 0 51. Valdez, Joanna Marie 0 |
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sorry For That
Found TCG's Embarassment for RP Chess and this highlights the federation's weak structure from top to bottom. Sadly, NCFP is the Philippines and it's all about the Filipinos. Read up on ChessBase' full story called Scandal in Kuala Lumpur.
First, I am sorry for that, No Excuses for the players involved in this ordeal. Financial losses, time and energy wasted cannot be given back but I've some questions about this. And I'll keep them in my head until I get the right person to answer me.
Overseas I am now and one thing I learned is that I'd have to be extra careful with my deeds because I carry with me a passport that says "FILIPINO". Worldwide we are known as hardworking, diligent, intelligent people and I woud only wish to add luster to our name rather than a blemish.
I am sorry for that, for what you guys went thru.
NCFP, please learn from this!
Everything we do, you do, I do reverbs to eternity and the internet!
Ruins Revisited
I'll K.I.S.S. (Keep It Short 'Sus!)this post as we've received comments from our loyal readers about our entries in this blog..."Too long the articles..."
Well I just thought of sharing the photos of my trip to Volubilis last April 19. These are never before posted photos of that trip.Remember my video post here? I did not post any photos except that YouTube uploaded video(YouTube search: pinoysamorocco) so I guess I'd have to show you bits of my new found addiction: Picasa 3!
Here they are:
So Barbs, Okey ba?
Saturday Escape
Off I did some "Let's see Morocco today?" SMS on my 1/4th alive-3/4th dead phone and only one replied positive to my question.
I finally saw the inside of Bob Mansour El Alj Gate of Meknes Morocco and was surprised that it differed greatly from what I had in mind. This grand city gate which was built in 16th century is a landmark which I thought was a museum before today. Inside is a gallery of paintings and some stonecrafts, that's all. Hehehe!
Imagine the landmark still stands today? One of the benefits of an almost earthquake free region. Across this city gate is a big square (or quadrangle) that is never empty with tourists and locals busy haggling for a good merchandise.
Moroccan police are everywhere and this gives the feeling of security to everyone. A couple of weeks ago I asked one of these men for a direction on how to get to Label Vie, Meknes' market place ala SM Hypermart. They were helpful enough!
Well here are some photos from today:
The following are photos I took early in the morning at the farm:
I've always wanted to capture that moon on film and today, I was lucky enough to have done just that.
This one was a no-brainer:
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday Free Walk
I woke up this morning at around 8 and I thought I'd give myself that much needed walk in the park. Did some Mafia robbing at FB, checked my dead phone, gmail and yahoo. Fixed my bed, checked on Alice' condition, ate breaky and yes set foot outside on a sunny-chilly streets of Ifrane.
As soon as I stepped out I knew where I wanted to go. I've been there before with my ward on one Sunday afternoon. It was different before, there were snow everywhere but now, the sun is out but the chill still there. To Ifrane National Park where horses are and streams provide you that enchanting music to your ears, heart and mind.
I clicked on some scenes I saw along the way:
One thing I noticed when your somewhere your not really familiar with is that roads and streets seems endless. They never seem to stop and they give you the feeling that your on your own.
This is Ifrane and they say, this is Little France. Ifrane is a small town but hosts, I've been told, one of the best University in the Arab world. Anything claimed to be the best or one of the best is of course subjected to doubts and discussions on the podium.
Once I saw the concrete fence-ins of the park, I knew I'd have a nice, light walk on my own without the distractions of digital era living. Yes I did bring my mobile phone and my "digital" camera but as I've said before, my dead phone is dead.
Here are the scenes I shot mindlessly while enjoying the chirping of the birds coming from everywhere, water sound coming from the stream that brings the cold wind, shades and shadows around me, giving me that tranquil and calm feeling.
There was one jogger I saw in my entire walk about, a family of four and a father and son bonding along the stream. I knew I needed this walk and I'm doing this in awe and wonder at how laid back life can be here in Morocco, and yet so lonely. Something must have bitten me in my spring break trips that until now I just can't seem to shake it off of me.
Maybe it was my train trips, my A Lot Like Love addiction or just maybe I'm homesick. More of the scenes:
On a friday morning, you'd love what the day gives, few people in this park, serene life and entrepreneuring horsemen who thought they could get a penny or two from. No way man! I'm not riding that horse and be pestered for 30 Dirhams endlessly. I went out to clear my mind and give my body the needed jolt, not to give away Dirhams.
I found a lot of benches and tables in between the clearings and footpaths here and there so I took the moment to sit down and do a monologue that goes something like
"Kiko, you've always wanted to be in the countryside, in a small town...here it is now, this life is for you...what the hell is wrong with you?..."
I spent a little less than 5 minutes talking to myself and then sprang into singing on my own. It pays to suck at singing that you don't really know if your out of tune or your going thru all the major, minor and exotic vocal scales.
Because of this, I missed a turn and a left and I ended up on the street that leads to the Morocco famous Ifrane Pond. Which was good actually!
Hard as I tried, I couldn't take a photo of those birds in flight. It looked fantastic seeing those birds perched on top of the trees giving onlookers the impression that they were tree fruits waiting to be picked.
And here are the last few photos I took before I decided to go back to home base. I left around 9 in the morning and it was almost 1045 when I took these shots.
I'm not sure yet if I'd be in Rabat tomorrow for my ward's swimming competition. Rabat, Meknes, Casablanca and Ifrane, these are the places I would always remember.
Ciao for now!
Magandang araw sa lahat!
Scholastic Basketball Camp
1st Founders' Cup
Scholastic Basketball Camp-1st Founders' Cup
16 & Under Division Ranking 2019
School | Rank | Wins |
SV Montessori | 4th | 0 |
La Trinidad Academy | Champion | 5 |
Charis Christian Institute | 2nd | 4 |
La Camelle School | 3rd | 1 |
12 & Under Division Ranking 2019
School | Rank | Wins |
SV Montessori | 5th | 0 |
La Trinidad Academy-Team A | Champion | 6 |
Charis Christian Institute | 2nd | 5 |
La Camelle School | 3rd | 4 |
La Trinidad Academy-Team B | 4th | 1 |