Still on Da Vinci guys! Another blog dealing with Leonardo's link with a manuscript written by Luca Pacioli found in Italy. Check it out here.
And yes, I found out something here, Heath Ledger was about to direct a movie which theme centralizes on a chess prodigy. Tsk tsk tsk! The Australian could have been a good direction into the whole movie production.
100 Chess Book Reviews, part 4 at the Confessions of a Chess Novice. Enjoy the vids, then head off to the library and find out if the guy was right, or wrong. Also, check out Dana Blog's Chess here.
Wanna read up on The Hippo? Here's an email I got from one of my online groups and I qoute:
" an offshoot of the Modern Defense (1.e4 g6) where Black plays several of his pawns to the 6th rank and waits for White to self destruct. Black usually start off very slowly. The lines are sometimes so murky that White actually does not know how to play against the Hippo. Black plays the Hippo differently from the regular Modern Defense lines..."
Recently, an article by Andrew Martin got the nod to be published at IM Jeremy Silman's website. Andrew Martin wrote a book called "The Hippopotamus Rises", would be good to check this one out if the opening interests you.
Chess news Malaysia:For the love of the game. When I attended the very first meeting of one chess association, I was amazed at the number of attendees we had. But after some monthly meetings, slowly and surely, the "interested" association officers vapored out. There were certain issues they could not agree on and one of which was the allowance for the association officers. The answer was no, is no... not sure of the future tense but as of now, no allowance for anyone in the chess association. Hope everyone reads this newslink.

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