In the Morelia-Linares' 12th round meeting between the young magi Magnus and Topalov, Topalov's chances of getting a revenge ended in a resignation. The seven-move mating combination by Magnus is here.
Magnus, as we all know, is the young superstar who placed second in the Super Tournament Morelia-Linares is now a certified force in the world's top five. Will he become the world champion after King Vishy?
At a very young age, he has developed that super, ultra-crisp computer eyes which Robert Pearson blogged about yesterday. Most compueter chess porgrams, they say, rely heavily on tactical swish-swoosh and most chess coaches will tell us that we should always calculate two moves in advance. Ain't it right mate?
The Thinking Table has been in my alert for the past week and I finally had the urge to look into it. Futuristic dude! Future! Future! Is it available now for us mere mortals? If so, I'd like to know who'll be the first one to such table in our country, Philippines. Although much of the visual show-offs the The Table does is very much available in most chess softwares, the idea that the "show" is right in front of you while playing with someone is a thrill!
Off to Malaysian Chess Blog!. They are having their national age group now guys. I went up to my grade 10 class and asked a Malaysian about the current chess program in his home country. Got a really solid-rock look from him and he replied:
"Sir, chess sucks everywhere I go especially in my country... except here, during our chess club meetings where you allow us to actually laugh hard and capture our opponents pieces with sound effects!"
Oh no!
Lastly, ID Department of Education urges students to play chess in early grades. I wonder what's keeping our own DEPED people from doing so.
Ok, this is the real lastly, my recent game at
more tournament sched sana, kahit yung maliit