After 14 rounds, IM John Paul "the pope" Gomez is still on top with 12 points trailing behind is now GM Bong Villamayor with 10.5 points and on third spot is GM Wesley So with 10 points. On 4th spot is GM Jayson Gonzales with 8.5 points and on
5th is GM Darwin Layo with 8 points.
I guess I spoke too soon when I said the 1st and 2nd spots will surely be taken by IM Gomez and GM So respectively.
It will be crampy for the top 5 finishers as we head into the final 3 rounds of the event. For pairings in the finals 3 rounds, pay a visit to
NCFP's Official website.

I'd like to direct you to the
Official Website of Laguna Chess Center which I discovered only last night after I failed looking for PINOYCHESS Informe. I hope the portal goes back to life as I really believe it has bridged the gap which the mainstream media and other chess blogs (like ours!) has failed to deliver. Mr. Hector Santos, hope all is well with you.
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