It's been a two week roller coaster ride for me and Gilbert, my "co-promotor" in the 1st Treelane II Exclusive Chess Tournament set on July 6, 2008. Although I've been jobless (I'm on vacation man!) since June 7, when I joined a former colleague's welcome back to Earth (er, actually Philippines) party last weekend, most of them wondered and asked me why I lost weight instead of gaining.
Of course I told them I have two toddlers who would wake me up at 6 in the morning and ask me if it's time to play with clay on their table or jog along the streets of our village clubhouse. I even told my "work friends" that I still teach some kids during summer break to add some to my piggy bank. Finally, when I told them about a chess tournament I was organizing together with a neighbor, it brought the blanket of curiosity and concern down. Easily they said "aha! puyat ka na naman ng puyat dahil sa chess"
What I didn't tell them was the fact that I would go around the village on foot (well with my sandals naman!) to inform them of the tourney organized exclusively for the residents and that it was our way to promote camaraderie among the residents and that chess helps improve higher order thinking skills (sorry, that one is a boring academic term usually called HOTS) etc etc.
And yes, we needed funds for us to rent clocks, tables, chairs, cash prizes, trophies and medals. We of course would not have the capacity to fund it ourselves so to end our "knock knocks" to our neighbors, we hand in our white envelope which contains our "hey-we're-in-the-same-neighborhood-we-are-chess-addicts-and-we-need-a-dose-but-the-thing-is-we're-broke-so-please-help-someone-like-us-get-a-shot-even-for-a-day-and-by-the-way-if-you-know-anyone-of-our-kind-please-let-them-sign-up-and-be-one-of-us!"
So for the past two weeks, we've begged, asked for money, understanding and generosity for chess sake. Hehehehe! Tii-r-iinnnnggg!
But within those two weeks, I've also discovered fellow chess addicts who loaned chess clocks for us (for free people!) and that's great right? Yeah!
Because of this one day dose for chess craving, our path led to the municipal office of Imus and we again knocked on the doors of the Mayor's office, Vice Mayor's office and the Imus Sports Council office. The people behind these offices (well the one's sitting on D' chair of each offices) were more than willing to help (er, fund) such noble community projects in words, deeds and support. One light bulb switched on and made me realize why tournaments are organized... For the love of the game? Now that line sounds little different now. It actually sounds a little alien for me and my consciousness. You go figure out why.
Thank you so much for the help people!
With almost all the needed equipments pledged on, we realized we have a major problem. Chess sets ready and so are clocks, tables and chairs ready too. Our village' clubhouse are ready, we were even asked to choose from the three available venues for our event. We are also almost done raising the cash prizes, the certificates of participation are all ready now.
The problem? well, it is actually a very beautiful problem, and a stupid one. Hahahaha! We need players! As of today, we only have 14 registered/paid players. Short of six as we limited the field to 20 so we'll only need 10 clocks and boards.
On the dramatic side, I went to Gilbert's place and delivered two additional clocks Mang Hermie (dad of Vince Angelo Medina) of Bacoor loaned us the clocks for free. Part of the delivery were the certificates, programme and thank you notes for the donors and sponsors.
Since I didn't want to be driven home by Gilbert with his super-ultra-Subic-Toyota-danger-side-door-van, I walked towards home. I passed along the clubhouse where one can clearly see the "stambays' from afar and they called out my name. Ahh, the "tropang trike" as what we love to call them. I know all their faces, names and hobbies in life. They drink to get drunk with their daily earnings from driving their three wheeled passenger tricycles. I knew what the topic would be as soon as I sat with them.
Looking at them, looking in their eyes, listening to what everyone says, I felt they were feeling what I've been feeling inside the past two weeks, they were as excited as me about the tournament.
Topics include use of chess clock, the 7 round Swiss system against the round robin system, the pairing system and the kiddies, juniors, ladies and seniors issue. All questions asked sounded in full sincerity, in full naivety.
One by one I would explain each answer t each question. Twas one of those rare moments for me in the adult world. I explained issues to adults tonight which was reciprocated with honest admission that they need the clarifications, the explanations and corrections. A high for all of us. And yes, there were assholes who kept on offering me a glass of alcohol which I automatically turned down.
Chess in my community ... hopefully will improve camaraderie!
On Sunday, we'll also be serving lunch and unlimited drinking water supply. For a one hundred peso registration fee, we'll have a lot of fights and it includes "budol fight" for all of us.
Everyone will be happy... hopefully!
It's my first try and already, I have gained insights and experiences I will never forget.
What about you? What's your unforgettable moment when you first prepared and organized a chess tournament?
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