Someone left a note on our comments section and asking me if I've seen the site The Grass Arena which featured a person named John Healy.
Here's something which caught my attention:
Why is it the British Public are totally unaware of a man who has over come every obstacle and achieved so much? Why are the British public ignorant to a man with such undoubted talent? Who completely self-educates himself to become a top class chess champion and prize winning author? Is it because of his background; his class? Or because he has lived a savage existence?
Well, anything British is conservative they say!

Solution:1 B-R7 ch. K-B1: 2 KtxP! KxKt: 3 Q-Kt6 ch. K-B1: 1 QxKP. Kt-B3: 5 B-K+6. Resigns
Stories like this shows us that humans as we are, prone to risky moves and weak self-control (as in alcohol dependency?) we can rise above the mess and take our rightful place in society and well, history.
So who is John Healy?
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