g4 Chess Club of Olongapo City will hold it's
7th. Anniversary BLITZ Chess Tournament slated on October. 04, 2008 ( Side Event )
This tournament will offer the following prizes:
Champion – P700 + Hi-tec Shoes
2nd - P500 + Hi-tec Shoes
3rd - P300 + Hi-tec Shoes
4th - P200
5th - P100
Top Kiddies - ( 12-15 yrs old ) - P200+ Hi-tec Shoes

Time Control : 5mins each. Play to finished.
Tournament Format: 13 rounds Swiss System & One day tourney. ( Number of rounds defend on how many players joining )
Tournament Date : October. 04, 2008 / Starting Time : 1:00pm
Venue: g4 Chess Club at 28 A 14th. St. East Tapinac, ( At the back of Old Aura College & Olongapo City National High School )
Olongapo City / Tel. # 47-222-8267
For more details please contact the following mobile no. 09176113514 / 09062355960 / 09287425429 / 09216480004 and 09194899443 Email address: gapochessclub@yahoo.com
gs2 q magchess uli waaaaa sunday lang off q jordan pu 2