I arrived in this position while playing 20/G with Tristan this afternoon. In this position, black played Qc6 which I replied with Qc8+. The game ended there because he used up all his remaining time and I reminded him the time loss story of Andronico Yap which Lilet told us some months ago... well we laughed so hard we ended up trying to get the best continuation for both sides.
First concern, a longer time control could have forced me to move Bb5 after black's Qc6, the pin is a power tripper right? Hehehehe! Any of his moves I could have followed with Rh1-e1.
But anyways, how would you have continued? Please send me your thoughts. My idea here is:
1. Qc8+ ... Ke7
2. Bb5 Nd7
3. Re1+ Ne5
And black escapes? Temporarily with tremendous material loss.
Don't use your chess playing sofware yet here. Am sleepy now, Monday tomorrow and I gotta head for bed now.
Bis' morgen!
Im just wondering how can u move ur Bishop to c5 without being excommunicated?