Last Sunday afternoon, I played against a long time neighbor of 13 years and chessmate of 3 years.
I guess I'd like to give you a backgrounder on this. In December 2003, I got a hold of The BANG's Inside Philippine Chess which started D' Addiction! Because of this, I thirst for chess games and where else to look for games and chessmates but in the hood! I've always known Dennis to love the game of chess so, when we have time and oppurtunity, we set up the chess board and play in our village basketball court's stage. While most of our friends-neighbors sweat it out on the basketball court, Dennis and I and the rest of The Members of Chess Addiction Club are on the side playing chess.
Yes, last Sunday was no different. We were playing and the score is no different either, I almost always lose when it's time to know our head-to-head Win-Lose count. Usually we play the minimum of ten(10) games and yes, I can only win 3-4 games against him.
I would like to share this position below where I snatched a win against him for our last game last sunday. He resigned after several moves (11 to be exact). I chose this position because first, I haven't won against him that afternoon and second, I guess my Knight move was somewhat taken lightly by him and third, I was on the verge of a checkmate (my King was alone in the corner).
Here it is:
1... Nxd4 2.exNd4 Rc8 3.Nc3 Qf1+ 4.Kd2 Qf2+ 5.Kd3 BxBf5+
6.gxBf5 QxBf5+ 7. Nf6e4 g5-g4 8.Qh2+ Kg7 9.Qg2 Kg6
10.Nd1 Rc1 11.Ne3 QB5+ 12. Resigns 0-1
If you have variations, please feel free to post thru PCC's comment section.
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