Hi there!
The 3rd Xavier Interscholastic Chess Invitational is set for February 17 and 24, 2007, saturday. There will be two divisions, grade school and secondary level.
The Mahatma Gandhi International School Chess Club (MGIS Chess Club) was invited by Xavier's Chess Coach, Mr. John Sy (SCUgrad of NCFP Forum). Confirmed to join are the following schools:
1. International School Manila (ISM)
2. Ateneo de Manila University (AMU)
3. De la Salle (not sure which branch but I have a feeling they would be from the Greenhills school, coached by IM Chito Garma)
4. Fountain of Life International School
And of course, the very new, very excited MGIS Chess Club players from grades 2-5. Unfortunately, my students from the Middle Years Program (Grade 6-10) will have their yearly 3-day camp by February 21-23 in Mindoro.
It took 3 weeks for the MYP students to accept my decision not to field them on the said event because I didn't want them playing on the 24th tired from their camp trip.
All in all, the grade school kids are raring to experience their first ever, outside of MGIS chess tournament. These kids are very much into after school activities. In fact, all of them are members of the following clubs in school:
1. Swimming
2. Soccer
3. Chess
4. Strumms (guitar club)
These clubs are scheduled once a week and chess falls on a monday. They are to attend each activities regularly or they lose their slots. Imagine how tiring it can be? Not to mention the fact that they have to attend (priority) to their classes everyday.
I have reminded them that to excel in anything one takes on, one must focus their energy and effort on that particular project, or else, failure will be the result of the endeavor.
So, to all the participants of the 3rd Xavier Interscholastic Chess Invitational, have fun, give your best... above all, enjoy the friendship among your team and the other school's team.
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