After accomplishing a verified course at Coursera, I enrolled myself in another course, this time its the Introduction to the Science of Cancer. Since March is the time of the year when Colorectal Cancer Awareness is celebrated, I'll be sharing the videos from this course in parts.
Here's the overview from the course:
"The OSUCCC - James is offering this course to help you better understand the many different diseases that together we call “cancer.” We believe that if more people have a better understanding of cancer, they are more likely to take steps to lower the risk of cancer for themselves, their families and their communities. Helping people achieve a deeper understanding of cancer can also lead to improved care for cancer patients.
The course is designed to be accessible to those with limited knowledge of science, but it will also be useful to healthcare professionals who may have limited background in the field of cancer. It is organized so that earlier modules provide information that will help you better understand later modules.
The course is organized so that the earlier modules provide foundational information, through lectures and readings, that will help you better understand later modules. For example, the first four lectures in Module 1 will orient you to the nature of cancer from a holistic and human body point of view, while the last three lectures take you into the cell, where cancer actually starts. These lectuers describe key components of cells, followed by the fundamental cause of cancer: changes in DNA and genes.
Moving on through the course, modules 2 and 3 explain how cancer is diagnosed and treated and build on our first module. Those first three modules together underscore the importance of cancer prevention, which is the topic of module 4. While there is always a possibility that someone will develop cancer during his or her life, there are ways to lower the risk of certain cancers, and those measures will be explained.
Our fifth and last module is about cancer research. Here you will be introduced you to the various types of research and how they advance our knowledge about cancer and lead to new ways to treat and prevent these diseases.
As you progress through the course, be sure to read the articles we’ve chosen from Frontiers, our magazine about cancer research at the OSUCCC – James. In each module, we also provide links to interesting and related videos and web sites. Last but not least, be sure to follow—and contribute to—the course discussion."
There are five (5) modules for the course with required quizzes and final project. You may or may not go through the quizzes and project if you do not intend to have the certificate just like me. I'm taking this one to arm me with the basic knowledge of Cancer --my wife was recently diagnosed with colon cancer, Stage 2.
Module Topics:
- Module One : What is Cancer?
- Module Two : Diagnosis of Cancer
- Module Three : Treatment of Cancer
- Module Four : Prevention of Cancer
- Module Five : Cancer Research
The course creators are a collection of knowledgeable and veteran doctors and educational program specialists from OSUCCC – James Translational Therapeutics Program and led by Michael A. Caligiuri, MD.
You can check out the team of experts behind the scenes here.
I've downloaded the lecture videos from Module 1 and the links are shared below. Please spread the word. Your act of sharing the information can help you or someone you know who is going through Cancer. Information is knowledge and knowledge is power.
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