Anticipating antsy audiences
Becoming brave bastards
Calmly cooling and chilling
Deciding direct dissection
Energizing, exciting eulogy
Featuring friendly foes and fiscals
Gravitating gaze galore
Hiding her hurts and heartaches
Inside intimate intellectuals
Justified jokes and jazz
Keywords: Knockout Kings
Lovely language, letters and long-lasting laughter
Mothering may matter
Naughty and naive neighbors
Offering oddities and oxymorons
Partnering people's perspectives
Quarantining the Queendom of the Queer
Restless, rusty, random roundabouts
Secret society's super simple solution
Translating tremendous & troublesome tiny taboos
Uniting universal uniqueness
Voicing out voluntary visions of Valentinos & Valentinas
Waiting for wanna-be's, warriors & watchamacaliit
Xeroxing xylophones and xenons
Your yearly yonderly yuppy
Zapped, zigged and zagged.
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