Hi there!
Word association game: tradition, mores, norms, culture, school, students, alumni, roots, wings, winning, losing, victory, defeat, looking back, continuation.
What am I trying to say here?
An NCAA Juniors Basketball coach who lost a championship game some years ago against the almost one hundred year old Ateneo de Manila University once said to me: "We were winning in the last two minutes but we were not playing against an ordinary basketball team, we were playing against a basketball team that has a culture deeply ingrained among the players and the institution itself. At the end of the over-time period, we lost by one point. We lost because they had the heart and courage to fight until the end, all in the name of their school".
What is school culture?
There are so many ways to answer this question but I think this document will give you a backgrounder on the topic.
The University of Asia and the Pacific (UA& P) will hold its 5th National Training Workshop on Building and Sustaining a Vibrant School Culture from October 19 to 21, 2011 at Telengtang Hall, University of Asia and the Pacific.
The forthcoming conference on school culture is meant primarily for newly confirmed principals, experienced school principals and administrators, as well as teacher-leaders of public and private schools, and college and universities’ deans and president. Attached is a copy of the conference program.
At the end of the conference, the participants should be able to:
a. self- audit and describe the culture of their respective schools;
b. have a deeper understanding of school culture, its components, and the forces that shape it;
c. assess the operational implications of their self- audit and force- field analysis of the culture of their respective schools; and
d. draw up action measures (for improving the present culture of their respective schools) that focus on the key aspects or elements of school culture that are within their control.
The training- workshop is P4, 500.00 per participant, inclusive of conference materials and certificates, and meals (3 major meals and 2 snacks). Participants are encouraged to confirm their attendance on October 3, 2011.
For more information, please contact Ms. Josephine Teves (mjteves@uap.edu.ph or josephinetherese.teves@uap. asia) or Dr. Gladys Golo at telephone nos. (02) 637-0912, locals 378 or 210, or direct telefax:(02) 634-2828.
UAP Conference October 2011
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