As you all probably have read in one of my posts, my dad's going thru a lot lately mainly because of his diagnosed colon cancer.
On Thursday, he will be undergoing an exploratory surgery which dad, will hopefully arrest the possibility of a spread of his sigmoid cancer. Prayers for my dad please!
Yes, it's the season of gift giving and most everyone is in the mood for shopping and shopping and more shopping. Please, do not forget the reason for the season.
One chess alert which caught my s the one coming from the southern province of Negros Occidental about a chess teacher serving 3 years in prison for a Estoppel. What is estoppel anyway? Read here to get the details.
And at, we found one good read bout the five schools of chess. ou may have concluded by now that I've totally forgotten my account details on that site, it's good know members of that community are active enough to keep the flame going.
Another community new to my mindedness is and I'd like you to read the forum thread called "how to manage chess information", maybe you will learn a lot from it like I did.
Don't forget to read the Ivanchuk Outrage on Dope Test too.
Before I end this rather "linky" post, check out the game below:
And here is the position that could trick and trim our heart and mind's desire for a "chess a day" motto:

Save the K but black will end up without her lady right?
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